Landmark Challenge

For the second year in a row, the students participated in the international landmark challenge.  In a quick overview, the landmark challenge is when classrooms from different schools across the globe choose any landmark on the planet Earth.  The classroom writes nine clues about their landmark.  The other teams try to guess your landmark using their brain power, the clues, and various resources. To learn more visit:
The process for our class began way back in early February when our students choose a landmark, the Tepui Mountains and wrote nine clues. 

1. I am a natural at making sculptures
2. Some of me is hollow
3. I am a one of kind home for some plants

4. I am an island, but not surrounded by water.
5. Half of me is full of live, the other half is not.
6. I am scattered in the northern hemisphere

7. An angel fell from me
8. The equator is in my vicinity.   
9. In 1912 I came to print. 

 Throughout the month of March, students figured out the other team's landmark.  We figured out 47 landmarks and came in second place.  Great job.